We collected hundreds of links as we researched the book--news stories and articles that served as source material and inspiration for the book. And we've continued to collect links, even after the book went to press. This list is a (pretty random) selection of those links. To access the entire list of links, check out our public searchable Evernote notebook. (Recommend using Safari.)

Links, Inspiration, and Source Material

Want the whole thing?

To access the entire list of links, check out our public searchable Evernote notebook. (Recommended browser: Safari. Chrome doesn't like this page very much.)


If you like what you see, you might also want to check out Jeff's blog. Or Josh's.

Also, a huge thanks to Nick Wangler at Developertown for helping us get these links online! 
(These folks have one of the coolest offices I've ever seen, by the way...)