Bring your entire organization into alignment with OKRs. This course is designed to teach everyone in your company the benefits and proper usage of this human-centred goal-setting framework.

Everyone has a customer — even the folks HR, marketing, legal and finance. OKRs help your company set goals that keep the humans you serve top of mind. In this groundbreaking workshop based on Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden’s best-selling book, Who does what by how much?, this masterclass in objectives and key results impresses a mindset shift on your teams that the only real way to set goals and measure success is through meaningful changes in human behavior.

Learning goals:

  • Align the organization around the same goals

  • Understand the difference between outputs and outcomes

  • Define who your “customer” is regardless of what your job is

  • Write excellent objective and key result statements

  • Build in a continuous OKR practice

  • Create a culture that obsesses over the humans that you serve

  • Massively improve organizational agility